Casa Blanca

Longs Métrages Documentaire




Aleksandra Maciuszek


Dans le quartier de pêcheurs délaissé de Casa Blanca, à La Havane (Cuba), Nelsa, 70 ans, vit avec son fils Vladimir, atteint du syndrome de Down. Bien qu’il prenne soin d’elle, leur entente n’est pas chose aisée mais vivre ensemble est leur seule chance de survie. Cette indépendance, préservée grâce à l’aide des voisins et des proches, risque de prendre n lorsque l’état de santé de la vieille dame se détériore. Le film, magnifiquement cadré, capte avec pudeur et tendresse, la solidarité des plus démunis et leur courage inébranlable. — In the forgotten fishing neighbourhood of Casa Blanca, Havana (Cuba), Nelsa, a 70-year-old woman, lives with Vladimir, her son with Down’s Syndrome. Even though he takes care of her, their getting along is not easy. As the old woman’s health fails, they risk losing the independence they maintain with difficulty thanks to the help of their neighbours and loved ones… A beautifully shot film, which captures with modesty and tenderness the helpful solidarity of the most disadvantaged and their unwavering courage.

In the forgotten fishing neighbourhood of Casa Blanca, Nelsa, a woman of 70 years old, lives with Vladimir, her son with Down’s Syndrome. Even though he takes care of her, their getting along is not easy. The responsibility that Vladimir has with Nelsa conflicts with Vladimir’s desire of manliness, independence and respect. In Casa Blanca their lives are shown in a series of repetitive, prosaic actions. They cannot take care of themselves alone, and living together is their only chance of survival.

Photo DR


Informations concernant le film


Année 2015
Pays Pologne/mexique
Durée 1h00
Colorimétrie Couleur
Version VOSTF
Images Javier Labrador Deulofeu
Montage Lorenzo Mora
Production Anna Gawlita, Santiago de la Paz, Lucia Diaz Alvarez