La Vie Sombre Trois Fois, Se Relève Sept Et Neuf Fois Flotte À La Dérive

Sections parallèles




Xuân-Lan Guyot


« Il s’agit d’un portrait post mortem, celui d’une femme au destin brisé. Une vieille dame née en 1917 que j’ai rencontrée quand je suis allée au Vietnam pour la première fois en 1998. Elle avait fait un beau mariage, puis fut répudiée par son mari ; son enfant lui fut arraché. Elle resta seule le reste de sa vie. Prise dans la tourmente de l’Histoire du Vietnam. Elle, c’était ma grand-mère. Xuân-Lan est retournée en 2000 au Vietnam filmer cette aïeule, afin de garder une trace. La grand-mère est morte il y a trois ans. » — « This is a post-mortem portrait, a woman’s broken destiny. An old lady born in 1917 that I met when I went to Vietnam for the first time in 1998. She had made a marriage of convenience, but was repudiated by her husband, and her child was torn away from her. She remained alone the rest of her life. Taken in the storm of Vietnam’s history. She was my Grandmother. Xuân-Lan returned to Vietnam in 2000 to film her grandmother, in order to keep a track. The grandmother died 3 years ago. »

This is a post-mortem portrait, a woman’s broken destiny. An old lady born in 1917 that I met when I went to Vietnam for the first time in 1998. She had made a marriage of convenience, but was repudiated by her husband, and her child was torn away from her. She remained alone the rest of her life. Taken in the storm of Vietnam’s history. She was my Grandmother. Xuân-Lan returned to Vietnam in 2000 to film her grandmother, in order to keep a track. The grandmother died 3 years ago.

Photo DR

Informations concernant le film


Année 2009
Pays Vietnam/france
Durée 48 min
Colorimétrie Couleur
Version VOSTF
Scénario Xuân-Lan Guyot
Images Xuân-Lan Guyot
Montage Xuân-Lan Guyot, Sylvie Gadmer
Production Sapotilles