Let’s Love Hong-Kong – Ho Yuk

Longs Métrages de Fiction




Yau Ching


De Yau Ching Feature/fiction, 2003, 87′, colors, 35MM., V.O., english subtitles Trois jeunes femmes se croisent, résistent et fantasment l’une sur l’autre. Un Hong-Kong aussi irréel que vrai constitue le cadre idéal pour leurs jeux, leurs secrets, leurs cris et leurs pleurs. Maison des Arts 13/03 at 21H30 PS 20/03 at 19h PS

Three women chase, seduce, resist and fantasize about each other. A Hong Kong that is as fake as real provides the perfect setting for their games, secrets, screams and tears. How do their desires manifest themselves in this forbidden city? From totally different backgrounds, they look like they have very different problems but do they? Maison des Arts 13/03 at 21H30 PS 20/03 at 19h PS

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